Faria van Creij-Callender

Faria van Creij-Callender
Faria van Creij-Callender’s artworks are an exploration of identity, blending the hues of heritage and the shadows of the in-between....

Melroy Bisel (Lekkermenselijk)

Melroy Bisel (Lekkermenselijk)
Melroy Bisel, the artist behind Lekkermenselijk, depicts the experiences of ordinary people: sex, relationships, and politics combining them with his...

Melissa Schriek

Melissa Schriek
“I’ve always been inspired by the women in my life. I see female friendship and female togetherness as something unique......

Ysa Pérez

Ysa Pérez
“I believe much of my work is about understanding my own self through photographing other people.” Photographer Ysa Pérez’ works...

Eline Martherus

Eline Martherus
The works of artist Eline Martherus are characterised by the balance between light and dark, the appearance and disappearance of colours...

Meryem Slimani

Meryem Slimani
Meryem Slimani photographs her muse in rich saturation, always the brilliant center of the composition. In each portrait, her subject...

Ziarah Janssen

Ziarah Janssen
Artist Ziarah Janssen’s vibrant palette of colours permeates her energetic works, exploring womanhood, herself, and the highs and lows of...

Hoshyar Rasheed

Hoshyar Rasheed
Hoshyar Rasheed was born into a family of activists, artists, critics, and art historians in Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan. Characterized by his...

Rebwar Saed

Rebwar Saed
Colour and poetics characterise the abstracted faces and rhythmic linearity of Rebwar Saed’s work. Rebwar was born in Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan,...